Khadi is a beautifully unique fabric with a smooth and crisp hand, primarily made from cotton (though it has been known to occasionally be made from silk or wool). It performs differently in accordance to the seasons, keeping its wearer cool in the heat and warm in the cold.
The name is derived from the word 'khaddar', meaning handspun fabric in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
It is not only these technical abilities that interest us here at H+H, but also its meaning throughout India's textile history and community.
In 1918, in order to encourage self reliance and growth in the textile industry of India, great visionary Mohandas Ghandi promoted an idea called swadeshi which translates to home economy. He did this by making his own clothes and asking Indians to only wear Indian made clothes, providing more job opportunities and a need for local workers in the spinning and weaving of fabric.

Our favourite W'Menswear shirting in store is made from handwoven Khadi, created by rural artisans in India. These pieces are not only functional and fit perfectly, but are seeped in history and community.

"... we believe they have the capability of retaining the very essence of those who wear them. Khadi fabrics hold the power to transmit both spirit and substance, acting as powerful symbols of community and conduct."
This concept is written on every W'Menswear Khadi piece, and we encourage you to partake in this magical textile online here, and in store now.