In case you weren’t aware, we’re here to let you know that this September marks ten years since it opened its (originally slidable) doors on Gertrude St, originally at
No.126 before expanding into its current home at 166.
When considering how to celebrate a decade of the doors being open, birthing one
of the many collaboration ideas we’ve had soon sprang into mind. We wanted to
create some exclusive pieces to offer up to you for all the years of loyalty, whilst
honouring a handful of the many brands we love, thus ensuring you had a piece of
the shop to take away with you, as it were.
Amid discussions, one of us had the brazen gall of suggesting to complete one for
every year…which we foolishly accepted, and yet another of us sagely suggested we build an outfit with the collaborations, from top to bottom, though not to be worn all at once; we wanted to cut ourselves some slack. However, you are welcome to make it work in any way you see fit.
So the stage and preface was set, six or so months to pull all ten together. We started the painstaking process of trying to select 10 brands (hard because we
love all of our brands), who could meet this behemoth task and quick turnaround. It
was genuinely quite a ride and finally we are ready to let you have a glimpse…
We think we’ve done a pretty good job in selecting a range of products, styles,
textures and fits so there is something for everyone for most, if not all times of the
Releasing over the course of ten weeks, from September through November, we
present ten years of Pickings & Parry and Heffernan & Haire with ten collaborations
from Los Angeles to Tokyo, Berlin to Thailand, New York to England; and of course,
We hope you enjoy and cherish them as much as we did creating them. Thanks for
your support to get us to this point and here's to more years on Gertrude St, for PPHH Store and P&P Barbers.