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Regular price $50.00
Regular price Sale price $50.00
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These pieces are made of a blend of hand-dug clays from around Victoria, hand processed and aged in the artist's Kinglake studio. The clay body is very coarse and often contains small stones of basalt that can melt through the glaze surface as dark protrusions. Pieces are fired to 1300c in a fuel-fed reduction atmosphere, this process causes iron oxide to release microscopic oxygen bubbles that are trapped under the glaze surface which cause the blue colour of the glaze. The crazing of the glaze is caused by a difference in shrinkage rates of the glaze and the clay. As the pots cool in the kiln, the glaze tries to shrink, but the clay won't allow it. This causes the stress to be released as hundreds of tiny fractures across the glaze surface

  • Pieces are to be hand washed and not placed in a dishwasher.
  • Do not subject to rapid or extreme temperature changes,  actively boiling hot water should not be poured directly onto any surface.
  • Staining over prolonged use of celadon pieces is normal and completely food safe.
  • These glazes are food and liquid safe, the blue comes form iron, not from copper or cobalt.

Hand made in Victoria, Melbourne

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